iucm run

Run the model for the given experiment

usage: iucm run [-h] [-i str] [-f str] [-v str] [-t int]
                [-sm { 'consecutive' | 'random' }]
                [-um { 'categorical' | 'random' | 'forced' }] [-n int]
                [-c float1,float2,...] [-pctls] [-nr] [-ot int] [-seed int]
                [-stop-en-change float] [-agg-stop-steps int] [-agg-steps int]
                [-prob int] [-max float] [-ct float] [-cp str]

Named Arguments

-i, --ifile The input file. If not specified, the input key in the experiment configuration is used
-f, --forcing The forcing file (necessary if update_method=='forced'). If not specified, the forcing key in the experiment configuration is used
-v, --vname The variable name to use. If not specified and only one variable exists in the dataset, this one is used. Otherwise, the 'run.vname' key in the experiment configuration is used
-t, --steps

The number of time steps

Default: 50

-sm, --selection-method

The name of the method on how the data is selected. The default is consecutive. Possible selection methods are

Always the ncells consecutive cells are selected.
ncells random cells in the field are updated.
-um, --update-method

The name of the update method on how the selected cells (see selection_method are updated). The default is categorical. Possible update methods are

The selected cells are updated to the lower level of the next category.
The selected cells are updated to a randum number within the next category.
A forcing file is used (see the forcing parameter).
-n, --ncells The number of cells that shall be changed during 1 step. The default value is 4
-c, --categories
 The values for the categories to use within the models
-pctls, --use-pctls

If True, interprete categories as percentiles instead of real population density

Default: False

-nr, --no-restart

If True, and the run has already been conducted, restart it. Otherwise the previous run is continued

Default: False

-ot, --output-step
 Make an output every output_step. If None, only the final result is written to the output file
-seed The random seed for numpy to use. Specify this parameter for the experiment to guarantee reproducability
 The minimum of required relative energy consumption change. If the mean relative energy consumption change over the last agg_stop_steps steps is below this number, the run is stopped

The number of steps to aggregate over when calculating the mean relative energy consumption change. Does not have an effect if stop_en_change is None

Default: 100


Use only every agg_steps energy consumption for the aggregation when checking the stop_en_change criteria

Default: 1

-prob, --probabilistic
 The number of probabilistic scenarios. For each scenario the energy consumption is calculated and the final population is distributed to the cells with the ideal energy consumption. Set this to 0 to only use the weights by [LeNechet2012]. If this option is None, the value will be taken from the configuration with a default of 0 (i.e. no probabilistic run).
-max, --max-pop
 The maximum population for each cell. If None, the last value in categories will be used or what is stored in the experiment configuration
-ct, --coord-transform
 The transformation factor to transform the coordinate values into kilometres
-cp, --copy-from
 If not None, copy the run settings from the other given experiment