Source code for iucm.utils

"""General utilities for the iucm package"""
import six
from itertools import chain
from docrep import DocstringProcessor

docstrings = DocstringProcessor()

docstrings.params['str_ranges.s_help'] = """
    A semicolon (``';'``) separated string. A single value in this string
    represents one number, ranges can also be used via a separation by
    comma (``','``). Hence, ``'2009;2012,2015'`` will be
    converted to ``[2009,2012, 2013, 2014]`` and ``2009;2012,2015,2`` to
    ``[2009, 2012, 2015]``"""

[docs]@docstrings.dedent def str_ranges(s): """ Convert a string of comma separated values to an iterable Parameters ---------- s: str%(str_ranges.s_help)s Returns ------- list The values in s converted to a list""" def get_numbers(s): nums = list(map(int, s.split(','))) if len(nums) == 1: return nums else: import numpy as np return np.arange(*nums) return list(chain(*map(get_numbers, s.split(';'))))
[docs]def append_doc(namedtuple_cls, doc): """Append a documentation to a namedtuple Parameters ---------- namedtuple_cls: type The type that has been created with :func:`collections.namedtuple` doc: str The documentation docstring""" if six.PY3: namedtuple_cls.__doc__ += '\n' + doc return namedtuple_cls else: class DocNamedTuple(namedtuple_cls): __doc__ = namedtuple_cls.__doc__ + '\n' + doc __slots__ = () DocNamedTuple.__name__ = namedtuple_cls.__name__ return DocNamedTuple