Source code for iucm.main

"""Main module of the iucm package

This module defines the :class:`IUCMOrganizer` class that is used to create
a command line parser and to manage the configuration of the experiments
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import copy
import os.path as osp
import six
import datetime as dt
from itertools import cycle
from argparse import Namespace
import logging
from model_organization import OrderedDict
from psyplot.config.rcsetup import safe_list
import iucm.utils as utils
from iucm.utils import docstrings
from model_organization import ModelOrganizer

[docs]class IUCMOrganizer(ModelOrganizer): """ A class for organizing a model This class is indended to have hold the basic functions for organizing a model. You can subclass the functions ``setup, init`` to fit to your model. When using the model from the command line, you can also use the :meth:`setup_parser` method to create the argument parsers""" commands = ModelOrganizer.commands commands.insert(commands.index('archive'), 'preproc') commands.insert(commands.index('archive'), 'run') commands.insert(commands.index('archive'), 'postproc') paths = ModelOrganizer.paths + ['indir'] name = 'iucm' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Preprocessing -------------------------------- # -------------- Preprocessing functions for the experiment --------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def preproc_funcs(self): """A mapping from preproc commands to the corresponding function""" return {'forcing': self.preproc_forcing, 'mask': self.preproc_mask, }
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def preproc(self, **kwargs): """ Preprocess the data Parameters ---------- ``**kwargs`` Any keyword from the :attr:`preproc` attribute with kws for the corresponding function, or any keyword for the :meth:`main` method """ funcs = self.preproc_funcs sp_kws = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in set(kwargs).intersection( funcs)} self.app_main(**kwargs) exp_config = self.fix_paths(self.exp_config) outdir = exp_config.setdefault('indir', osp.join( exp_config['expdir'], 'input')) if not osp.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) preproc_config = exp_config.setdefault('preproc', OrderedDict()) for key, val in sp_kws.items(): if isinstance(val, Namespace): val = vars(val) info = funcs[key](**val) if info: preproc_config[key] = info
def _modify_preproc(self, parser): self._modify_app_main(parser) sps = parser.add_subparsers(title='Preprocessing tasks', chain=True) # forcing sp = sps.add_parser( 'forcing', help='Create a forcing file from a predescribed population path') sp.setup_args(self.preproc_forcing) sp.update_arg('development_file', short='df') sp.update_arg('output', short='o') sp.update_arg('date_cols', short='t', metavar='col1,col2,col3,...', type=lambda s: s.split(',')) sp.update_arg('steps', type=int) sp.update_arg('movement', short='m', type=float) sp.update_arg('trans_size', short='trans', type=float) sp.update_arg('population_col', short='p') sp.update_arg('no_date_parsing', short='nd') # max_pop sp = parser.setup_subparser(self.preproc_mask, name='mask', return_parser=True) sp.update_arg('ifile', short='i') sp.update_arg('method', short='m') sp.unfinished_arguments['method']['help'] = ( 'Default: %(default)s. ' + sp.unfinished_arguments['method']['help']) sp.update_arg('hr_res', short='r') sp.update_arg('max_pop', short='max') sp.update_arg('vname', short='v')
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def preproc_forcing(self, development_file=None, output=None, date_cols=None, steps=1, movement=0, trans_size=0, population_col=None, no_date_parsing=False): """ Create a forcing file from a predescribed population path Parameters ---------- development_file: str The path to a csv file containing (at least) one column with the projected population development output: str The name of the ouput forcing netCDF file. By default: ``'<expdir>/input/'`` date_cols: list of str The names of the date columns in the `development_file` that shall be used to generate the date-time information. If not given, the date will simply be a range from 1 to `steps` times the length of the projected population development from `development_file` steps: int The numbers of model steps between on step of the projected development in `development_file` movement: float The people moving randomly during on model step trans_size: float The forced size of the transformation additionally to the development from `development_file` population_col: str The name of the column with population data. If not given, the last one is used no_date_parsing: bool If True, then `date_cols` is simply interpreted as an index and no date-time information is parsed """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr logger = self.logger'Creating forcing data...') idx_name = None if development_file is not None: kws = {} if not no_date_parsing and date_cols is not None: kws['parse_dates'] = {'time': date_cols} idx_name = 'time' elif date_cols is not None: idx_name = safe_list(date_cols)[0] df = pd.read_csv(development_file, **kws) if idx_name is not None: df.set_index(idx_name, inplace=True) else: df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((2, 1)), columns=[population_col or 'population']) if population_col is None: population_col = df.columns[-1] steps_between = steps if not trans_size else steps * 2 total_steps = steps_between * (len(df) - 1) + 1 if idx_name: idx = np.zeros(total_steps) idx[:] = np.nan idx[::steps_between] = df.index.values idx = pd.Series(idx, name=idx_name) idx = pd.to_datetime(idx.interpolate()) else: idx = None var = np.zeros(total_steps) var[:] = np.nan var[::steps_between] = df[population_col].values change = pd.Series(var, name='change', index=idx) change.interpolate(inplace=True) # only keep the population change change.values[1:] = change.values[1:] - change.values[:-1] # drop initial state change.drop(change.index.values[0], inplace=True) if trans_size: # only make population development every second ("add") step change.values[1::2] += change.values[:-1:2] + trans_size change.values[::2] = -trans_size forcing_df = change.to_frame() forcing_df['movement'] = movement if not = 'step' ds = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(forcing_df) ds.variables['change'].attrs.update( {'long_name': "population change", 'units': 'inhabitants'}) ds.variables['movement'].attrs.update( {'long_name': "randomly moving population", 'units': 'inhabitants'}) if output is None: output = output = self.exp_config.get( 'forcing', osp.join(self.exp_config['indir'], '')) logger.debug('Saving output to %s', output) ds.to_netcdf(output) self.exp_config['forcing'] = output config = OrderedDict([ ('development_file', development_file), ('development_steps', list(range( 0, total_steps, steps_between))[1:]), ('trans_size', trans_size), ('total_steps', total_steps - 1), ('movement', movement)]) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for key, val in config.items(): logger.debug(' %s: %s', key, val) return config
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def preproc_mask(self, shapefile, method='max-pop', ifile=None, vname=None, overwrite=False, max_pop=None, hr_res=100): """ Mask grid cells based on a shape file This command calculates the maximum population for the model based on a masking shape file. The given shape file is rasterized at high resolution (by default, 100 times the resolution of the input file) and the fraction for each grid cell that is covered by that shape file is calculated. Parameters ---------- shapefile: str The path to a shapefile method: {'max-pop', 'mask', 'ignore'} Determines how to handle the given shapes. max-pop The maximum population per grid cell is lowered by the fraction of the cell that is covered by the given shape. This will adjust the `max_pop` variable in the input file `ifile` mask The population of the grid cells in the input data that are touched by the given shapes will be kept constant during the simulation. This will adjust the `mask` variable in the input file `ifile` ignore The grid cells in the input data that are touched by the given grid cells are put to NaN and their population is not considered during the simulation. This will adjust the input population data (i.e. variable `vname`) directly ifile: str The path of the input file. If not specified, the value of the configuration is used vname: str The variable name to use. If not specified and only one variable exists in the dataset, this one is used. Otherwise, the ``'run.vname'`` key in the experiment configuration is used overwrite: bool If True and the target variable exists already in the input file `ifile` (and method is not 'ignore'), this variable is overwritten max_pop: float The maximum population. If not specified, the value in the configuration is used (only necessary if ``method=='max-pop'``) hr_res: int The resolution of the high resolution file, relative to the resolution of `ifile` (only necessary if ``method=='max-pop'``) Notes ----- Note that the shapefile and the input file have to be defined on the same coordinate system! This function is not super efficient, for large data files we recommend using gdal_rasterize_ and gdalwarp_. .. _gdal_rasterize: .. _gdalwarp:""" from shapefile import Reader import matplotlib.path as mplp import as psyd import numpy as np import netCDF4 as nc exp_config = self.exp_config run_config = exp_config.setdefault('run', OrderedDict()) if max_pop is None: max_pop = run_config.get('max_pop') if ifile is None: ifile = exp_config.get('input') if method == 'max-pop' and max_pop is None: raise ValueError( "The maximum population per grid cell has not yet been " "specified! See `iucm preproc mask --help`") if ifile is None: raise ValueError( "The input file needs to be specified! " "See `iucm preproc mask --help`") dsi = psyd.open_dataset(ifile, decode_times=False) vname = vname or run_config.get('vname') or self.get_population_vname( dsi) reader = Reader(shapefile) paths = list(mplp.Path(np.asarray(shape.points)[..., :2]) for shape in reader.shapes()) x = dsi.psy[vname].psy.get_coord('x').values y = dsi.psy[vname].psy.get_coord('y').values dims = dsi.psy[vname].dims[-2:] ny, nx = dsi[vname].shape[-2:] dsi.close() del dsi if method == 'max-pop': hr_x = np.linspace(y[0], x[-1], len(x) * hr_res) hr_y = np.linspace(y[0], y[-1], len(y) * hr_res) X, Y = np.meshgrid(hr_x, hr_y) else: X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) points = np.array((X.flatten(), Y.flatten())).T del X, Y mask = np.zeros(points.shape[:-1], dtype=bool) for p in paths: mask |= p.contains_points(points) if method == 'max-pop': arr = mask.reshape(ny, hr_res, nx, -1).astype(float).mean( axis=(1, 3)) else: mask = mask.reshape((ny, nx)) nco = nc.Dataset(ifile, 'a') vnames = {'max-pop': 'max_pop', 'mask': 'mask', 'ignore': vname} target_vname = vnames[method] create = target_vname not in nco.variables if create: var = nco.createVariable( target_vname, int if method == 'mask' else float, dims) if method == 'max-pop': attrs = {'long_name': 'Maximum population', 'units': 'inhabitants'} else: attrs = {'long_name': 'Cells with constant population', 'comments': ('Cells with a non-zero value are not ' 'modified by the IUCM simulation.')} var.setncatts(attrs) else: var = nco.variables[target_vname] if method == 'max-pop' and (create or overwrite): var[:] = max_pop elif method == 'mask' and (create or overwrite): var[:] = 0 if method == 'max-pop': var[:] *= (1 - arr) elif method == 'mask': var[:] = (mask | var[:].astype(bool)).astype(int) else: arr = var[:] arr[mask] = np.nan var[:] = arr nco.close()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------- Run ------------------------------------- # --------------------------- Run the experiment -------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def run(self, ifile=None, forcing=None, vname=None, steps=50, selection_method=None, update_method=None, ncells=None, categories=None, use_pctls=False, no_restart=False, output_step=None, seed=None, stop_en_change=None, agg_stop_steps=100, agg_steps=1, probabilistic=None, max_pop=None, coord_transform=None, copy_from=None, **kwargs): """ Run the model for the given experiment Parameters ---------- ifile: str The input file. If not specified, the `input` key in the experiment configuration is used forcing: str The forcing file (necessary if ``update_method=='forced'``). If not specified, the `forcing` key in the experiment configuration is used vname: str The variable name to use. If not specified and only one variable exists in the dataset, this one is used. Otherwise, the ``'run.vname'`` key in the experiment configuration is used steps: int The number of time steps selection_method: { 'consecutive' | 'random' } The name of the method on how the data is selected. The default is consecutive. Possible selection methods are consecutive: Always the `ncells` consecutive cells are selected. random: `ncells` random cells in the field are updated. update_method: { 'categorical' | 'random' | 'forced' } The name of the update method on how the selected cells (see `selection_method` are updated). The default is categorical. Possible update methods are categorical: The selected cells are updated to the lower level of the next category. random: The selected cells are updated to a randum number within the next category. forced: A forcing file is used (see the `forcing` parameter). ncells: int The number of cells that shall be changed during 1 step. The default value is 4 categories: list of floats The values for the categories to use within the models use_pctls: bool If True, interprete `categories` as percentiles instead of real population density no_restart: bool If True, and the run has already been conducted, restart it. Otherwise the previous run is continued output_step: int Make an output every `output_step`. If None, only the final result is written to the output file seed: int The random seed for numpy to use. Specify this parameter for the experiment to guarantee reproducability stop_en_change: float The minimum of required relative energy consumption change. If the mean relative energy consumption change over the last `agg_stop_steps` steps is below this number, the run is stopped agg_stop_steps: int The number of steps to aggregate over when calculating the mean relative energy consumption change. Does not have an effect if `stop_en_change` is None agg_steps: int Use only every `agg_steps` energy consumption for the aggregation when checking the `stop_en_change` criteria probabilistic: int The number of probabilistic scenarios. For each scenario the energy consumption is calculated and the final population is distributed to the cells with the ideal energy consumption. Set this to 0 to only use the weights by [LeNechet2012]_. If this option is None, the value will be taken from the configuration with a default of 0 (i.e. no probabilistic run). max_pop: float The maximum population for each cell. If None, the last value in `categories` will be used or what is stored in the experiment configuration coord_transform: float The transformation factor to transform the coordinate values into kilometres copy_from: str If not None, copy the run settings from the other given experiment ``**kwargs`` Any other keyword argument that is passed to the :meth:`main` method""" import numpy as np import as psyd from iucm.model import PopulationModel def get_files(imin, imax): if output_step is None: return [osp.join(outdir, exp + '' % (imin, imax))] else: return [osp.join(outdir, exp + '' % (i, min( i + output_step - 1, imax))) for i in range(imin, imax + 1, output_step)] def log_state(): for key, val in six.iteritems(model.state._asdict()): logger.debug(' %s: %s', key, val) self.app_main(**kwargs) exp = self.experiment logger = self.logger debug = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) exp_config = self.fix_paths(self.exp_config) global_conf = self.config.global_config run_config = exp_config.setdefault('run', OrderedDict()) if copy_from is not None: run_config.update( self.config.experiments[copy_from].get('run', {})) try: exp_config['forcing'] = self.config.experiments[copy_from][ 'forcing'] except KeyError: pass logger.debug('Run experiment...') seed = seed or exp_config['run'].get('seed') if seed is not None: np.random.seed(int(seed)) run_config['seed'] = seed # ----------------------- Model Configuration ------------------------- defaults = {'ncells': 4, 'max_pop': None, 'selection_method': 'consecutive', 'update_method': 'forced', 'probabilistic': 0, 'categories': None, 'coord_transform': 1., } run_settings = {'ncells': ncells, 'selection_method': selection_method, 'update_method': update_method, 'categories': categories, 'probabilistic': probabilistic, 'max_pop': max_pop, 'coord_transform': coord_transform, } for key, val in run_settings.items(): run_settings[key] = val = val if val is not None else \ run_config.get(key, defaults[key]) run_config[key] = val # get the actual steps value. The run_config will be updated below, # depending on whether we continue a run or not # ------------------------- output configuration ---------------------- continued = 'run' in exp_config['timestamps'] outdir = exp_config.setdefault('outdir', osp.join( exp_config['expdir'], 'outdata')) if not osp.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if no_restart or not continued: for f in exp_config.get('outdata', []): if osp.exists(f): os.remove(f) exp_config['outdata'] = [] outfiles = get_files(1, steps) run_config['steps'] = 0 run_config['step_date'] = OrderedDict() old_steps = 0 elif continued: old_steps = run_config['steps'] outfiles = get_files(old_steps + 1, old_steps + steps) run_config['steps'] += steps ifile = exp_config['outdata'][-1] run_config.setdefault('step_date', OrderedDict()) if categories is None: # percentiles have already been computed use_pctls = False else: raise ValueError("Cannot restart the experiment because no run " "was ever invoked") logger.debug(' Output files: %s', outfiles) if output_step is None: output_step = steps outfiles = iter(outfiles) output_step = iter(cycle(safe_list(output_step))) # -------------------------- input file ------------------------------- indir = exp_config.get('indir', osp.join(exp_config['expdir'], 'input')) if not osp.exists(indir): os.makedirs(indir) if ifile is None: ifile = exp_config.get('input', self.project_config.get( 'input', self.global_config.get('input'))) if ifile is None: raise ValueError("No input file specified!") if not continued: ifile_conf = osp.join(indir, '') exists = osp.exists(ifile_conf) if exists and not osp.samefile(ifile_conf, ifile): os.remove(ifile_conf) os.symlink(osp.relpath(ifile, indir), ifile_conf) elif not exists: os.symlink(osp.relpath(ifile, indir), ifile_conf) exp_config['input'] = osp.abspath(ifile_conf) logger.debug(' Input file: %s', ifile) # -------------------------- forcing file ----------------------------- if forcing is None: forcing = exp_config.get('forcing', self.project_config.get( 'forcing', self.global_config.get('forcing'))) logger.debug(' Forcing file: %s', forcing) if forcing is not None: exp_config['forcing'] = osp.abspath(forcing) forcing = psyd.open_dataset(forcing) # --------------------------- Load data ------------------------------- dsi = psyd.open_dataset(ifile) vname = vname or run_config.get('vname') or self.get_population_vname( dsi) try: data = dsi[vname] except KeyError: vnames = set(dsi.variables) - set(dsi.coords) - {'mask', 'max_pop'} if vname == run_config.get('vname'): msg = ('The variable %s as stored in the configuration is not ' 'found in the dataset. Possible names are {%s}. Please ' 'use the `vname` parameter!') % ( vname, ', '.join(vnames)) else: msg = ('The variable %s is not found in the dataset. Possible ' 'names are {%s}.') % (vname, ', '.join(vnames)) raise KeyError(msg) run_config['vname'] = if (coord_transform is None and data[data.dims[-1]].attrs.get('units', None) in [ 'm', 'meter', 'metres', 'metre', 'meters']): run_config['coord_transform'] = run_settings['coord_transform'] = \ coord_transform = 1000. logger.debug(' Input variable: %s, shape %s', vname, data.shape) logger.debug('Initialize model...') model = PopulationModel.from_da( data, forcing=forcing, ofiles=outfiles, osteps=output_step, use_pctls=use_pctls, dsi=dsi, last_step=old_steps, **run_settings) if model.categories is not None: run_config['categories'] = model.categories.tolist() if debug: logger.debug('Initial state:') log_state() # ------------------ Start parallel processes ------------------------- if not global_conf.get('serial'): import multiprocessing as mp nprocs = global_conf.get('nprocs', 'all') if nprocs == 'all': nprocs = mp.cpu_count() model.start_processes(nprocs) logger.debug('Start main loop') t = [] * (steps + 1) # --------------------------- Start loop ------------------------------ last_output = None if stop_en_change is not None: consumptions = np.zeros(steps + 1) consumptions[0] = model.consumption # to use exactly the specified number of `agg_stop_steps` steps # when calculating the changes, we have to subtract 1 agg_stop_steps -= 1 for step in range(1, steps + 1): logger.debug('Step %i', step) model.step() if debug: log_state() t[step] = if model.output_written and not self.no_modification: exp_config['outdata'].append(model.output_written) run_config['steps'] = old_steps + step if last_output is not None: run_config['step_date'].pop(old_steps + last_output, None) last_output = step run_config['step_date'][old_steps + last_output] = str(t[step]) exp_config['timestamps']['run'] = str(t[step]) copied = copy.deepcopy(self.config) self.rel_paths(copied.experiments[self.experiment]) if stop_en_change is not None: consumptions[step] = model.consumption arr = consumptions[step - agg_stop_steps:step + 1:agg_steps] any_inf = np.isinf(arr).any() mean_change = np.abs((arr[1:] - arr[:-1]) / arr[:-1]).mean() if any_inf or mean_change <= stop_en_change:"Stopping after %i steps with mean change %s", step, mean_change) break try: # save the last step model.write_output(False) except StopIteration: # last step already saved pass else: exp_config['outdata'].append(model.output_written) run_config['steps'] = old_steps + steps if debug: diffs = np.array([(t[i+1] - t[i]).seconds for i in range(steps)]) logger.debug('Average step time: %s seconds' % diffs.mean()) logger.debug('Fastest step time: %s seconds' % diffs.min()) logger.debug('Slowest step time: %s seconds' % diffs.max()) # --------------------------- Finish loop ----------------------------- if not global_conf.get('serial'): model.stop_processes() logger.debug('Run Done.')
[docs] def get_population_vname(self, ds): vnames = list(filter( lambda v: ds[v].ndim >= 2, set(ds.variables) - set(ds.coords) - {'mask', 'max_pop'})) if len(vnames) == 0: raise ValueError("Found no variables in the input dataset!") if len(vnames) > 1: raise ValueError( "Found %i possible variable names. Please specify one of " "{%s}" % (len(vnames), ', '.join(vnames))) return vnames[0]
def _modify_run(self, parser): parser.update_arg('ifile', short='i') parser.update_arg('forcing', short='f') parser.update_arg('vname', short='v') parser.update_arg('steps', short='t', type=int) parser.update_arg('selection_method', short='sm') parser.update_arg('update_method', short='um') parser.update_arg('ncells', short='n', type=int) parser.update_arg('categories', short='c', metavar='float1,float2,...', type=lambda s: list(map(int, s.split(',')))) parser.pop_key('categories', 'nargs', None) parser.update_arg('no_restart', short='nr') parser.update_arg('output_step', short='ot', type=int) parser.update_arg('seed', type=int) parser.update_arg('use_pctls', short='pctls') parser.update_arg('probabilistic', short='prob') parser.update_arg('copy_from', short='cp') parser.update_arg('max_pop', short='max') parser.update_arg('coord_transform', short='ct') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Postprocessing ------------------------------- # ------------ Postprocessing functions for the experiment ---------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def postproc_funcs(self): """A mapping from postproc commands to the corresponding function""" return OrderedDict([('rolling', self.rolling_mean), ('map', self.make_map), ('movie', self.make_movie), ('evolution', self.plot_evolution), ])
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def postproc(self, no_input=False, **kwargs): """ Postprocess the data Parameters ---------- no_input: bool If True/set, the initial input file is ignored""" import xarray as xr funcs = self.postproc_funcs sp_kws = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in set(kwargs).intersection( funcs)} self.app_main(**kwargs) exp_config = self.fix_paths(self.exp_config) outdir = exp_config.setdefault('postprocdir', osp.join( exp_config['expdir'], 'postproc')) if not osp.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) files = exp_config['outdata'] postproc_config = exp_config.setdefault('postproc', OrderedDict()) ds = xr.open_mfdataset(files) if not no_input: from iucm.model import PopulationModel dsi = xr.open_dataset(exp_config['input']) vname = exp_config['run']['vname'] forcing = exp_config.get('forcing') if forcing is not None: forcing = xr.open_dataset(forcing) dsi = PopulationModel.get_input_ds( dsi[vname], dsi, forcing=forcing) ds = xr.concat([dsi, ds], dim=dsi[vname].dims[0]) for key, func in funcs.items(): if key not in sp_kws: continue val = sp_kws[key] if isinstance(val, Namespace): val = vars(val) val.pop('no_input', None) info = func(ds, **val) if info: postproc_config[key] = info
def _modify_postproc(self, parser): self._modify_app_main(parser) parser.update_arg('no_input', short='ni') sps = parser.add_subparsers(title='Postprocessing tasks', chain=True) # rolling mean sp = sps.add_parser( 'rolling', help='Calculate the rolling mean for the energy consumption') sp.setup_args(self.rolling_mean) sp.pop_arg('ds') sp.update_arg('window', short='w') sp.update_arg('output', short='o') sp.update_arg('odir', short='od') # map sp = sps.add_parser( 'map', help='Make a 2D-plot of the population') sp.setup_args(self.make_map) sp.pop_arg('ds') sp.pop_arg('close') sp.update_arg('output', short='o') sp.update_arg('odir', short='od') sp.update_arg('project_file', short='p') sp.update_arg('save_project', short='save') sp.update_arg('simple_plot', short='simple') sp.update_arg('time', short='t', type=int) sp.update_arg('t0', type=int) # movie sp = sps.add_parser( 'movie', help='Make a movie of the population development') sp.setup_args(self.make_movie) sp.pop_arg('ds') sp.pop_arg('close') sp.update_arg('output', short='o') sp.update_arg('odir', short='od') sp.update_arg('project_file', short='p') sp.update_arg('save_project', short='save') sp.update_arg('simple_plot', short='simple') sp.update_arg('t0', type=int) sp.update_arg('time', short='t', type=utils.str_ranges, help=docstrings.dedents(""" The time steps to use. %(str_ranges.s_help)s"""), metavar='t1[;t2[;t31,t32,[t33]]]') sp.add_argument('-fps', help=( "The number of frames per second. Default: 10"), type=int) sp.add_argument('-dpi', help=("The dots per inch"), type=int) # evolution sp = sps.add_parser('evolution', help=( 'Plot the evolution of energy consumption, DIST, RSS and ENTROP')) sp.setup_args(self.plot_evolution) sp.pop_arg('ds') sp.pop_arg('close') sp.update_arg('output', short='o') sp.update_arg('odir', short='od') sp.update_arg('time', short='t', type=utils.str_ranges, help=docstrings.dedents(""" The time steps to use. %(str_ranges.s_help)s"""), metavar='t1[;t2[;t31,t32,[t33]]]') sp.update_arg('use_rolling', short='roll')
[docs] @docstrings.get_sectionsf('IUCMOrganizer.rolling_mean') @docstrings.dedent def rolling_mean(self, ds, window=None, output=None, odir=None): """ Calculate the rolling mean for the energy consumption This postprocessing function calculates the rolling mean for the energy consumption Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset The dataset with the *cons* and *cons_std* variables window: int Size of the moving window. This is the number of observations used for calculating the statistic. Each window will be a fixed size. If None, it will be taken from the experiment configuration with a default value of 50. output: str A filename where to save the output. If not given, it is not saved but may be later used by the :meth:`evolution` method odir: str The name of the output directory """ if window is None: window = self.exp_config.get('postproc', {}).get( 'rolling', {}).get('window', 50) self.logger.debug('Calculating rolling mean with window of %i...', window) rolling = ds.cons.to_pandas().rolling(window) ds.variables['cons'][:] = rolling.mean() ds.variables['cons_std'][:] = rolling.std() if odir is None: odir = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'], 'postproc') if output: output = osp.join(odir, output) ds[['cons', 'cons_std']].to_netcdf(output) return {'output': output, 'window': window} return {'window': window}
[docs] @docstrings.get_sectionsf('IUCMOrganizer.make_map') @docstrings.dedent def make_map(self, ds, output='map.pdf', odir=None, time=-1, diff=False, t0=0, project_file=None, save_project=None, simple_plot=False, close=True, **kwargs): """ Make a movie of the post processing Parameters ---------- ds: xarray.Dataset The dataset for the plot or a list of filenames output: str The name of the output file odir: str The name of the output directory time: int The timestep to plot. By default, the last timestep is used diff: bool If True/set, visualize the difference to the `t0` (by default, the first step) is used, instead of the entire data t0: int If `diff` is set, the reference step for the difference project_file: str The path to a filename containing a file that can be loaded via the :meth:`psyplot.project.Project.load_project` method save_project: str The path to a filename where to save the psyplot project simple_plot: bool If True/set, use a non-georeferenced plot. Otherwise, we use the cartopy module to plot it close: bool If True, close the project at the end Other Parameters ---------------- ``**kwargs`` Any other keyword that is passed to the :meth:`psyplot.project.Project.export` method""" import numpy as np import psyplot.project as psy from import _infer_interval_breaks self.logger.debug('Create plot of step %s...', time) config = self.exp_config['postproc'].get('map', OrderedDict()) kwargs.update({key: config[key] for key in set(config) - { 'plot_output', 'project_output'}}) if odir is None: odir = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'], 'postproc') #: name of the variable in the above netCDF files vname = self.exp_config['run']['vname'] if diff: ds = ds.copy(True) arr = ds[vname].values mask = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=bool) diff = arr[time] - arr[0] mask[time] = ~np.isnan(arr[time]) & (diff == 0) arr[mask] = 0 if project_file is not None: sp = psy.Project.load_project(project_file, datasets=[ds]) else: #: categories of the experiment (will also be used as colorbar #: ticks) categories = np.array([0] + self.exp_config['run']['categories']) #: boundaries of the colormap bounds = _infer_interval_breaks(categories) bounds[0] = 0 # ---- make the plot #: psyplot project of the plot if simple_plot: sp = psy.plot.plot2d( ds, name=vname, mf_mode=True, t=time, bounds=bounds, cmap='afmhot_r', cticks=categories, title='step %(time)s', titleprops={'ha': 'left'}) else: sp = psy.plot.mapplot( ds, name=vname, mf_mode=True, t=time, bounds=bounds, transform='moll', cmap='afmhot_r', cticks=categories, projection='moll', title='step %(time)s', titleprops={'ha': 'left'}, xgrid=False, ygrid=False) #: export the plot if output: output = osp.join(odir, output) self.logger.debug('Saving plot to %s', output) sp.export(output, **kwargs) kwargs['plot_output'] = output if save_project is None: save_project = config.get('project_output') if save_project: save_project = osp.join(odir, save_project) sp.save_project(save_project, dump=False, paths=[self.exp_config['outdata']]) kwargs['project_output'] = save_project if close: sp.close(True, True) return kwargs return kwargs, sp
docstrings.delete_params('IUCMOrganizer.make_map.parameters', 'time')
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def make_movie(self, ds, output='movie.gif', odir=None, diff=False, t0=None, project_file=None, save_project=None, simple_plot=False, close=True, time=None, **kwargs): """ Make a movie of the post processing Parameters ---------- %(IUCMOrganizer.make_map.parameters.no_time)s time: list of int The time steps to use for the movie Other Parameters ---------------- ``**kwargs`` Any other keyword for the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` class that is used to make the plot""" import numpy as np from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation self.logger.debug('Making movie...') if odir is None: odir = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'], 'postproc') task_names = {True: 'diff', False: 'regular'} task_name = task_names[diff] config = self.exp_config['postproc'].get('movie', OrderedDict()).get( task_name, OrderedDict()) defaults = {'fps': 10} for key in set(config) - {'plot_output', 'project_output'}: if kwargs[key] is None: kwargs.setdefault(key, config[key]) # update with defaults for the movie writer for key, val in defaults.items(): if kwargs.get(key) is None: kwargs[key] = val #: name of the variable in the above netCDF files vname = self.exp_config['run']['vname'] tname = ds[vname].dims[0] if diff and t0 is not None: ref = ds.isel(**{tname: t0})[vname].values orig_time = range(ds[tname].size) if time is not None: if diff and t0 is None: ref = ds.isel(**{tname: safe_list(time)[0]})[ vname].values t0 = 0 if isinstance(time, slice): orig_time = time.indices(ds[tname].size) else: orig_time = time[:] ds = ds.isel(**{tname: time}) elif diff and t0 is None: ref = ds.isel(**{tname: 0})[vname].values t0 = 0 time = range(ds[tname].size) if diff: ds = ds.copy(True) arr = ds[vname].values for i, orig in zip(range(0, ds[tname].size), orig_time): if orig != t0: mask = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=bool) diffs = arr[i] - ref mask[i] = ~np.isnan(arr[i]) & (diffs == 0) arr[mask] = 0 _, sp = self.make_map( ds, odir=odir, diff=False, output=None, project_file=project_file, save_project=False, simple_plot=simple_plot, close=False, time=0) def update(t): """Update function for the movie""" sp.update(t=t) #: animation which create the movie ani = FuncAnimation( next(iter(sp.figs)), update, time, sp.draw) #: save the movie to a gif file if output: output = osp.join(odir, output) self.logger.debug('Saving movie to %s', output) self.logger.debug('Movie config: %s', kwargs), **kwargs) kwargs['plot_output'] = output save_project = save_project or config.get('project_output') if save_project: save_project = osp.join(odir, save_project) sp.save_project(save_project, dump=False, paths=[self.exp_config['outdata']]) kwargs['project_output'] = save_project info = {task_name: kwargs} if self.exp_config['postproc'].get('movie', OrderedDict()).get( task_names[not diff], OrderedDict()): info[task_names[not diff]] = self.exp_config['postproc']['movie'][ task_names[not diff]] if close: sp.close(True, True) return info return info, sp
docstrings.keep_params('IUCMOrganizer.make_map.parameters', 'ds', 'output', 'odir')
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def plot_evolution(self, ds, output='plots.pdf', odir=None, close=True, time=None, use_rolling=False): """ Plot the evolution of DIST, RSS, ENTROP and Energy consumption Parameters ---------- %(IUCMOrganizer.make_map.parameters.ds|output|odir)s close: bool If True, the created figures are closed in the end time: list of int The time steps to use for the movie use_rolling: bool If True, use the rolling mean for the energy consumption Returns ------- dict Information on the output""" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import iucm.energy_consumption as en self.logger.debug('Plot timeseries...') if odir is None: odir = osp.join(self.exp_config['expdir'], 'postproc') if use_rolling: import xarray as xr if 'output' in self.exp_config.get('postproc', {}).get( 'rolling', {}): with xr.open_dataset(self.exp_config['postproc'][ 'rolling']['output']) as ds2: ds.variables['cons'] = ds2.variables['cons'] ds.variables['cons_std'] = ds2.variables['cons_std'] else: self.rolling_mean(ds) if time is not None: ds = ds.isel(**{ds.dist.dims[0]: time}) ds_plot = ds[['cons', 'rss', 'dist', 'entrop', 'cons_std']].copy(True) ds_plot2 = ds_plot.copy(True) # ----- area plot ds_plot['entrop'].values *= en.wENTROP ds_plot['rss'].values *= en.wRSS ds_plot['dist'].values *= en.wDIST summed = np.abs(ds_plot.dist) + np.abs(ds_plot.rss) + np.abs( ds_plot.entrop) for vname in ['dist', 'rss', 'entrop']: ds_plot[vname].values /= summed #: List of matplotlib figures created in this function figs = [] figs.append(plt.figure()) plt.stackplot( ds_plot.time.values, ds_plot.dist.values, ds_plot.entrop.values, labels=[ds.dist.long_name, ds.entrop.long_name], baseline='zero') plt.stackplot(ds_plot.time.values, ds_plot.rss.values, labels=[ds.rss.long_name]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=3) # ----- single line plot for each variable # --- population figs.append(plt.figure()) pop_da = ds[self.exp_config['run']['vname']] pop_da.sum(axis=(1, 2)).plot() plt.ylabel('Population [inhabitants]') # --- energy consumption units = ds.cons.units figs.append(plt.figure()) ds_plot.cons.plot() plt.fill_between(ds_plot[ds_plot.cons.dims[0]], ds_plot.cons - ds_plot.cons_std, ds_plot.cons + ds_plot.cons_std, facecolors=plt.gca().lines[0].get_c(), edgecolors='None', alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel('%s [%s]' % (ds.cons.long_name, units)) ds_plot2['dist'].values *= en.wDIST ds_plot2['rss'].values *= en.wRSS ds_plot2['entrop'].values *= en.wENTROP for name in ['dist', 'rss', 'entrop']: figs.append(plt.figure()) ds_plot2[name].plot() plt.ylabel('weighted %s [%s]' % (ds_plot2[name].long_name, units)) ret = {} if output: output = osp.join(odir, output) self.logger.debug('Saving plots to %s', output) with PdfPages(output) as pdf: for fig in figs: pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') ret['plot_output'] = output if close: for fig in figs: plt.close(fig.number) return ret
def _get_parser(): """Function returning the iucm parser, necessary for sphinx documentation """ return IUCMOrganizer.get_parser()
[docs]def main(): """Call the :meth:`~model_organization.ModelOrganizer.main` method of the :class:`IUCMOrganizer` class""" return IUCMOrganizer.main()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()